The road to recovery

Lets be brutally honest with ourselves for a moment, sure, we live longer and longer and are more and more capable as we age these days but….. getting old sucks! Remember when you were 18-19 and you could go for a run, barely sweat, not think about nutrition and most importantly, wake up the next… Read More The road to recovery

UTMB prep

Confusing title? if you know, you know but if you don’t, let me explain a little so that you can enjoy the post as a little source of new information… UTMB, this is the “ultra trail Mont Blanc” an annual race that circumnavigates the highest peak in Western Europe, more than just a race, its… Read More UTMB prep

Gentle reminder

A subtle reminder that even though the weather may be crappy where you are, conditions might be less conducive to keeping fit, healthy and motivated, continue to do something, ANYTHING because in the spring time, you will be one more winter older and if you haven’t kept up a little base line fitness, you will… Read More Gentle reminder


Might sound like a super boring topic but lets dive right in and share some thoughts on how to connect your body and brain to move a bit more efficiently! Is it a secret, well, no not really but I see now more than ever people keep their training tips and processes as closely guarded… Read More Cadence