
Testing gear and reviewing it is a really important part of product development, we appreciate that you need to have your trusted team in place to provide the quality and quantity of testing you require and we also realise that this can be quite an expensive undertaking which is why we are able to offer a testing and user experience review service.

Why would you send your products to us to test for you? After all, we are not elite athletes, we are not superstars, heck, we aren’t even famous in our own community! We do however have a few tricks up our sleeves, we are fairly representative of your projected end user customer in performance but we have the flexibility to go outdoors and be active many hours per day. Not to flex here but as an example, during 2021, between Selina and I, we covered more than 12,000km on trail running with a combined elevation of nearly half a million metres. We climb, we run, we ski, we bike, we hike, we do a LOT with our time. OK so we get out lots, and to top it off, we live in the alpine hub of Chamonix. OK, so what about actually testing products? We are both qualified aircraft engineers with a wealth of experience within the test and research fields as well as performing guidance/oversight roles requiring comprehensive reporting and feedback, we can work with you to ascertain the degree of testing you require whether this is feature development or longevity testing, we can support you.

Typically, for this page, we only review the items we have purchased with our own money, this is usually a good metric for any test/review. We can test and return products to you with or without reviewing them publicly.

If you have a product you would like to try out in an Alpine environment, feel free to contact us and we can assist!